Privacy Policy



COMPAÑÍA DE ALMACENAJE Y DISTRIBUCIONES ESPECIALES, S.L. wishes to inform the users of the website of its policy regarding the treatment and protection of the personal data of users and customers that it collects from them on the occasion of the visualization of the website, the use of the services offered therein, social networks and other electronic media.

The collection of personal data, processing and subsequent use are subject to current legislation in Spain on data protection, currently established by Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD-GDD) and its complementary regulations, and by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons as regards the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).



COMPAÑÍA DE ALMACENAJE Y DISTRIBUCIONES ESPECIALES, S.L. informs its users that the collection of personal data could be obtained, mainly, through the sending of an email to the electronic address, provided that you include in it some personal data, as well as through the forms that COMPAÑÍA DE ALMACENAJE Y DISTRIBUCIONES ESPECIALES, S.L. include in the website in the future and in which COMPAÑÍA DE ALMACENAJE Y DISTRIBUCIONES ESPECIALES, S.L. is identified as responsible for the data collected through them.

COMPAÑÍA DE ALMACENAJE Y DISTRIBUCIONES ESPECIALES, S.L. informs users of the website that the optional or mandatory nature of the completion of all the requested data will be previously warned.

If you do not want COMPAÑÍA DE ALMACENAJE Y DISTRIBUCIONES ESPECIALES, S.L. to process your personal data, for the indicated purpose, please refrain from completing the existing forms on the website. In any case, you will be informed expressly and legibly regarding the conditions under which personal data are collected and the purposes for which they will be used, the obligation to provide them or not, the rights that assist the user, the conditions under which they can be exercised, and any other complementary information that may be necessary.

The processing of personal data shall mean those operations and technical procedures of an automated or non-automated nature, which allow the collection, recording, conservation, processing, modification, blocking and cancellation, as well as the transfers of data resulting from communications, consultations, interconnections and transfers.



NIF: B98220510

Registered Office: c/ Villa de Madrid nº 43 P.I. Fuente del Jarro, C.P. 46988, Paterna (Valencia)

Teléfono: 960615314

Email :


Regarding the personal data collected by e-mail and / or completion of the forms on the web, the purposes of treatment will be the following:

    a) CONTACTS: Reply to your communication; respond to your request for information; include you or the company to which you belong in the contact list, facilitate future commercial relations or manage the currently existing commercial relationship, carry out the necessary communications through you, send you the necessary documentation or requested information, as well as maintain a history of commercial relations and communications.


    b) CURRICULUM: Attend to your professional offer and manage the selection processes carried out in the entity during the time of conservation of your curriculum.


    c) CLIENT AREA: To create an account to provide you with access to the Private Area and provide you with access to the information and services available in it.


    d) COOKIES: Regarding the purposes of the use of cookies, see our Cookies Policy.


    e) MANAGEMENT: Provide the contracted service or delivery of the requested good, billing and collection.


    f) WORK WITH US: Attend your professional offer and manage the selection processes carried out in the entity. The data that you have provided will be incorporated and will be treated with the exclusive purpose of managing the personnel selection processes within our entity, being the legal basis of the treatment your explicit consent by virtue of the voluntary and spontaneous sending of the information.


COMPAÑÍA DE ALMACENAJE Y DISTRIBUCIONES ESPECIALES, S.L. does not use fully automated decision-making processes to establish, develop or terminate a contractual relationship with the client. In order to be able to offer you products and/or services according to your interests and improve your user experience, we may create a "commercial profile" based on the information provided. However, automated decisions will not be made based on this profile.


The legitimacy of the processing of personal data is based on the user's consent when accepting the privacy policy and cookies policy and sending us their personal data. The user can revoke his consent at any time.


The personal data processed will not be used for other purposes that are not collected here or, where appropriate, by another document or contract that binds both parties with particular conditions.

Unless expressly consented by users, it will not make transfers or communications of data to third parties that are not provided for in the LOPD.

The controller shall take measures to ensure that any person acting under its authority and having access to personal data may only process such data on instructions from the controller, unless required to do so under Union or Member State law.

The Data Controller informs users that, taking into account the state of the art, the costs of application, and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the treatment, as well as risks of variable probability and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the person responsible and, where appropriate, The processor shall apply appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk.


The data communicated through the web or a form will have to be accurate and updated, being the sole responsibility of the users to update the data.


COMPAÑÍA DE ALMACENAJE Y DISTRIBUCIONES ESPECIALES, S.L. informs you that users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation to data processing and data portability, by any of the following means:

    a) The exercise of these rights by the user must be done by sending a written communication, together with a photocopy of the National Identity Document or other means valid in law that proves the identity of the user, to the following address: COMPAÑÍA DE ALMACENAJE Y DISTRIBUCIONES ESPECIALES, S.L., in c / Villa de Madrid nº 43 P.I. Fuente del Jarro, C.P. 46988, Paterna (Valencia). Such communication shall contain the following information:

    • Name and surname of the user.

    • Request specifying the request.

    • Address for notification purposes, date and signature of the user.

    • Documents accrediting the request made, if applicable.

    b) By email at the address to which you must send a communication from the account registered in our files. This communication will contain the same information as that indicated in the previous section.


The personal identifying data of clients are kept as long as a contractual relationship is maintained with the client, remains registered in the service or has not expressly requested the cancellation and cancellation of data, and always within the minimum period required by legislation.

The contact data is kept indefinitely until they have expressly requested the cancellation.

Los datos de curriculum, trabaja con nosotros y las grabaciones de voz se conservan durante un plazo máximo de un año.

The data collected will be deleted when they are no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which they were collected or registered. In the event that the data collected is intended to be used for a purpose other than that for which they were collected, the prior consent of the interested parties will be required.


Through the forms we do not collect the date of birth or age, so only adults can send us their personal data, or otherwise you must send the authorization of the father, mother or guardian.


As established by the new Law 3/2018 of the LOPD and GDD:

    • Users of the Web and social networks have the right to security of the communications they transmit and receive through the Internet and all have the right to freedom of expression on the Internet.

    • COMPAÑÍA DE ALMACENAJE Y DISTRIBUCIONES ESPECIALES, S.L. has adopted appropriate protocols to enable the exercise of the right of rectification before users who disseminate content that violates the right to honor, personal and family privacy on the Internet and the right to freely communicate or receive truthful information, in accordance with the requirements and procedures provided for in Organic Law 2/1984, of 26 March, regulating the right of rectification.

    • Every person has the right to have deleted, at their simple request, the personal data they have provided for publication by social network services of COMPAÑÍA DE ALMACENAJE Y DISTRIBUCIONES ESPECIALES, S.L. and equivalent information society services.

    • Everyone has the right to have personal data concerning him or her deleted and that have been provided by third parties for publication by social networking services and equivalent information society services when they are inadequate, inaccurate, not relevant, not updated or excessive or have become as such over time, taking into account the purposes for which they were collected or processed, the time elapsed and the nature and public interest of the information.


This Privacy Policy may need to be updated; therefore, it is necessary that you review this policy periodically and if possible each time you access the Website in order to be adequately informed about the type of information collected and its treatment. You can find the Privacy Policy at the bottom of the Website. However, we will notify you of any changes to this privacy policy that affect the processing of your personal data.


Date of last update of the privacy policy: March 28, 2022

Fecha actual: October 22, 2024
